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Stop Smoking

In an article published in New Scientist magazine, it was reported that, “hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit”. New Scientist 2002.


Willpower, logic and rationale are housed in our conscious mind, whereas habits, emotions and feelings are in our subconscious mind.  Deciding to stop smoking is a conscious decision, but the subconscious mind still thinks that you are a smoker and is still running that habit for you day in day out at the appropriate triggers.


Many people struggle giving up smoking by using willpower alone because they are, in effect, fighting their own mind and that’s when mood swings, irritability and bad temper can start.


By using hypnotherapy we are ‘reprogramming’ the subconscious mind, matching that conscious desire and commitment to become a non-smoker – subconsciously, making it a lot easier to stop... removing irritability, mood swings, bad temper, as well as cravings and possible weight gain.


This is a single session treatment, which can break the habit now and forever, all you need is a high level of motivation to stop smoking. A stop smoking session lasts approximately 90mins. A number of different techniques can be employed to suit the individual: traditional habit breaking, aversion, Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP) amongst others. 


For a free, no obligation, confidential consultation telephone Helen on 01922 631077

Quit smoking
Six Ways Clinic, 24 Birmingham Road, Walsall, WS1 2LT
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